122 research outputs found

    Plaque burden is associated with minimal intimal coverage following drug-eluting stent implantation in an adult familial hypercholesterolemia swine model

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    Abstract Safety and efficacy of coronary drug-eluting stents (DES) are often preclinically tested using healthy or minimally diseased swine. These generally show significant fibrotic neointima at follow-up, while in patients, incomplete healing is often observed. The aim of this study was to investigate neointima responses to DES in swine with significant coronary atherosclerosis. Adult familial hypercholesterolemic swine (n = 6) received a high fat diet to develop atherosclerosis. Serial OCT was performed before, directly after, and 28 days after DES implantation (n = 14 stents). Lumen, stent and plaque area, uncovered struts, neointima thickness and neointima type were analyzed for each frame and averaged per stent. Histology was performed to show differences in coronary atherosclerosis. A range of plaque size and severity was found, from healthy segments to lipid-rich plaques. Accordingly, neointima responses ranged from uncovered struts, to minimal neointima, to fibrotic neointima. Lower plaque burden resulted in a fibrotic neointima at follow-up, reminiscent of minimally diseased swine coronary models. In contrast, higher plaque burden resulted in minimal neointima and more uncovered struts at follow-up, similarly to patients’ responses. The presence of lipid-rich plaques resulted in more uncovered struts, which underscores the importance of advanced disease when performing safety and efficacy testing of DES

    Characterization and Evaluation of the Artemis Camera for Fluorescence-Guided Cancer Surgery

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    Purpose: Near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence imaging can provide the surgeon with real-time visualization of, e.g., tumor margins and lymph nodes. We describe and evaluate the Artemis, a novel, handheld NIR fluorescence camera.Procedures: We evaluated minimal detectable cell numbers (FaDu-luc2, 7D12-IRDye 800CW), preclinical intraoperative detection of sentinel lymph nodes (SLN) using indocyanine green (ICG), and of orthotopic tongue tumors using 7D12-800CW. Results were compared with the Pearl imager. Clinically, three patients with liver metastases were imaged using ICG.Results: Minimum detectable cell counts for Artemis and Pearl were 2 × 105 and 4 × 104 cells, respectively. In vivo, seven SLNs were detected in four mice with both cameras. Orthotopic OSC-19-luc2-cGFP tongue tumors were clearly identifiable, and a minimum FaDu-luc2 tumor size of 1 mm3 could be identified. Six human malignant lesions were identified during three liver surgery procedures.Conclusions: Based on this study, the Artemis system has demonstrated its utility in fluorescence-guided cancer surgery

    A novel software tool for semi-automatic quantification of thoracic aorta dilatation on baseline and follow-up computed tomography angiography

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    A dedicated software package that could semi-automatically assess differences in aortic maximal cross-sectional diameters from consecutive CT scans would most likely reduce the post-processing time and effort by the physicians. The aim of this study was to present and assess the quality of a new tool for the semi-automatic quantification of thoracic aorta dilation dimensions. Twenty-nine patients with two CTA scans of the thoracic aorta for which the official clinical report indicated an increase in aortic diameters were included in the study. Aortic maximal cross-sectional diameters of baseline and follow-up studies generated semi-automatically by the software were compared with corresponding manual measurements. The semi-automatic measurements were performed at seven landmarks defined on the baseline scan by two operators. Bias, Bland–Altman plots and intraclass correlation coefficients were calculated between the two methods and, for the semi-automatic software, also between two observers. The average time difference between the two scans of a single patient was 1188 ± 622 days. For the semi-automatic software, in 2 out of 29 patients, manual interaction was necessary; in the remaining 27 patients (93.1%), semi-automatic results were generated, demonstrating excellent intraclass correlation coefficients (all values ≥ 0.91) and small differences, especially for the proximal aortic arch (baseline: 0.19 ± 1.30 mm; follow-up: 0.44 ± 2.21 mm), the mid descending aorta (0.37 ± 1.64 mm; 0.37 ± 2.06 mm), and the diaphragm (0.30 ± 1.14 mm; 0.37 ± 1.80 mm). The inter-observer variability was low with all errors in diameters ≤ 1 mm, and intraclass correlation coefficients all ≥ 0.95. The semi-automatic tool decreased the processing time by 40% (13 vs. 22 min). In this work, a semi-automatic software package that allows the assessment of thoracic aorta diameters from baseline and follow-up CTs (and their differences), was presented, and demonstrated high accuracy and low inter-observer variability

    Quantitative assessment of the stent/scaffold strut embedment analysis by optical coherence tomography

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    The degree of stent/scaffold embedment could be a surrogate parameter of the vessel wall-stent/scaffold interaction and could have biological implications in the vascular response. We have developed a new specific software for the quantitative evaluation of embedment of struts by optical coherence tomography (OCT). In the present study, we described the algorithm of the embedment analysis and its reproducibility. The degree of embedment was evaluated as the ratio of the embedded part versus the whole strut height and subdivided into quartiles. The agreement and the inter- and intra-observer reproducibility were evaluated using the kappa and the interclass correlation coefficient (ICC). A total of 4 pullbacks of OCT images in 4 randomly selected coronary lesions with 3.0 × 18 mm devices [2 lesions with Absorb BVS and 2 lesions with XIENCE (both from Abbott Vascular, Santa Clara, CA, USA)] from Absorb Japan trial were evaluated by two investigators with QCU-CMS software version 4.69 (Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands). Finally, 1481 polymeric struts in 174 cross-sections and 1415 metallic struts in 161 cross-sections were analyzed. Inter- and intra-observer reproducibility of quantitative measurements of embedment ratio and categorical asses

    3D fusion of intravascular ultrasound and coronary computed tomography for in-vivo wall shear stress analysis: A feasibility study

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    Wall shear stress, the force per area acting on the lumen wall due to the blood flow, is an important biomechanical parameter in the localization and progression of atherosclerosis. To calculate shear stress and relate it to atherosclerosis, a 3D description of the lumen and vessel wall is required. We present a framework to obtain the 3D reconstruction of human coronary arteries by the fusion of intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and coronary computed tomography angiography (CT). We imaged 23 patients with IVUS and CT. The images from both modalities were registered for 35 arteries, using bifurcations as landmarks. The IVUS images together with IVUS derived lumen and wall contours were positioned on the 3D centerline, which was derived from CT. The resulting 3D lumen and wall contours were transformed to a surface for calculation of shear stress and plaque thickness. We applied variations in selection of landmarks and investigated whether these variations influenced the relation between shear stress and plaque thickness. Fusion was successfully achieved in 31 of the 35 arteries. The average length of the fused segments was 36.4 ± 15.7 mm. The length in IVUS and CT of the fused parts correlated excellently (R2= 0.98). Both for a mildly diseased and a very diseased coronary artery, shear stress was calculated and related to plaque thickness. Variations in the selection of the landmarks for these two arteries did not affect the relationship between shear stress and plaque thickness. This new framework can therefore successfully be applied for shear stress analysis in human coronary arteries

    EpCAM as multi-tumour target for near-infrared fluorescence guided surgery

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    Background: Evaluation of resection margins during cancer surgery can be challenging, often resulting in incomplete tumour removal. Fluorescence-guided surgery (FGS) aims to aid the surgeon to visualize tumours and resection margins during surgery. FGS relies on a clinically applicable imaging system in combination with a specific tumour-targeting contrast agent. In this study EpCAM (epithelial cell adhesion molecule) is evaluated as target for FGS in combination with the novel Artemis imaging system. Methods: The NIR fluorophore IRDye800CW was conjugated to the well-established EpCAM specific monoclonal antibody 323/A3 and an isotype IgG1 as control. The anti-EpCAM/800CW conjugate was stable in serum and showed preserved binding capacity as evaluated on EpCAM positive and negative cell lines, using flow cytometry and cell-based plate assays. Four clinically relevant orthotopic tumour models, i.e. colorectal cancer, breast cancer, head and neck cancer, and peritonitis carcinomatosa, were used to evaluate the performance of the anti-EpCAM agent with the clinically validated Artemis imaging system. The Pearl Impulse small animal imaging system was used as reference. The specificity of the NIRF signal was confirmed using bioluminescence imaging and green-fluorescent protein. Results: All tumour types could clearly be delineated and resected 72 h after injection of the imaging agent. Using NIRF imaging millimetre sized tumour nodules were detected that were invisible for the naked eye. Fluorescence microscopy demonstrated the distribution and tumour specificity of the anti-EpCAM agent. Conclusions: This study shows the potential of an EpCAM specific NIR-fluorescent agent in combination with a clinically validated intraoperative imaging system to visualize various tumours during surgery

    The impact of plaque type on strut embedment/protrusion and shear stress distribution in bioresorbable scaffold

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    AIMS: Scaffold design and plaque characteristics influence implantation outcomes and local flow dynamics in treated coronary segments. Our aim is to assess the impact of strut embedment/protrusion of bioresorbable scaffold on local shear stress distribution in different atherosclerotic plaque types. METHODS AND RESULTS: Fifteen Absorb everolimus-eluting Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds were implanted in human epicardial coronary arteries. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) was performed post-scaffold implantation and strut embedment/protrusion were analysed using a dedicated software. OCT data were fused with angiography to reconstruct 3D coronary anatomy. Blood flow simulation was performed and wall shear stress (WSS) was estimated in each scaffolded surface and the relationship between strut embedment/protrusion and WSS was evaluated. There were 9083 struts analysed. Ninety-seven percent of the struts (n = 8840) were well-apposed and 243 (3%) were malapposed. At cross-section level (n = 1289), strut embedment was significantly increased in fibroatheromatous plaques (76 ± 48 µm) and decreased in fibrocalcific plaques (35 ± 52 µm). Compatible with strut embedment, WSS was significantly higher in lipid-rich fibroatheromatous plaques (1.50 ± 0.81 Pa), whereas significantly decreased in fibrocalcified plaques (1.05 ± 0.91 Pa). After categorization of WSS as low (<1.0 Pa) and normal/high WSS (≥1.0 Pa), the percent of low WSS in the plaque subgroups were 30.1%, 31.1%, 25.4%, and 36.2% for non-diseased vessel wall, fibrous plaque, fibroatheromatous plaque, and fibrocalcific plaque, respectively (P-overall < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The composition of the underlying plaque influences strut embedment which seems to have effect on WSS. The struts deeply embedded in lipid-rich fibroatheromas plaques resulted in higher WSS compared with the other plaque types

    OCT assessment of the long-term vascular healing response 5 years after everolimus-eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffold

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    AbstractBackgroundAlthough recent observations suggest a favorable initial healing process of the everolimus-eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS), little is known regarding long-term healing response.ObjectivesThis study assessed the in vivo vascular healing response using optical coherence tomography (OCT) 5 years after elective first-in-man BVS implantation.MethodsOf the 14 living patients enrolled in the Thoraxcenter Rotterdam cohort of the ABSORB A study, 8 patients underwent invasive follow-up, including OCT, 5 years after implantation. Advanced OCT image analysis included luminal morphometry, assessment of the adluminal signal-rich layer separating the lumen from other plaque components, visual and quantitative tissue characterization, and assessment of side-branch ostia “jailed” at baseline.ResultsIn all patients, BVS struts were integrated in the vessel and were not discernible. Both minimum and mean luminal area increased from 2 to 5 years, whereas lumen eccentricity decreased over time. In most patients, plaques were covered by a signal-rich, low-attenuating layer. Minimum cap thickness over necrotic core was 155 ± 90 μm. One patient showed plaque progression and discontinuity of this layer. Side-branch ostia were preserved with tissue bridge thinning that had developed in the place of side-branch struts, creating a neo-carina.ConclusionsAt long-term BVS follow-up, we observed a favorable tissue response, with late luminal enlargement, side-branch patency, and development of a signal-rich, low-attenuating tissue layer that covered thrombogenic plaque components. The small size of the study and the observation of a different tissue response in 1 patient warrant judicious interpretation of our results and confirmation in larger studies

    Automatic centerline extraction of coronary arteries in coronary computed tomographic angiography

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    Coronary computed tomographic angiography (CCTA) is a non-invasive imaging modality for the visualization of the heart and coronary arteries. To fully exploit the potential of the CCTA datasets and apply it in clinical practice, an automated coronary artery extraction approach is needed. The purpose of this paper is to present and validate a fully automatic centerline extraction algorithm for coronary arteries in CCTA images. The algorithm is based on an improved version of Frangi’s vesselness filter which removes unwanted step-edge responses at the boundaries of the cardiac chambers. Building upon this new vesselness filter, the coronary artery extraction pipeline extracts the centerlines of main branches as well as side-branches automatically. This algorithm was first evaluated with a standardized evaluation framework named Rotterdam Coronary Artery Algorithm Evaluation Framework used in the MICCAI Coronary Artery Tracking challenge 2008 (CAT08). It includes 128 reference centerlines which were manually delineated. The average overlap and accuracy measures of our method were 93.7% and 0.30 mm, respectively, which ranked at the 1st and 3rd place compared to five other automatic methods presented in the CAT08. Secondly, in 50 clinical datasets, a total of 100 reference centerlines were generated from lumen contours in the transversal planes which were manually corrected by an expert from the cardiology department. In this evaluation, the average overlap and accuracy were 96.1% and 0.33 mm, respectively. The entire processing time for one dataset is less than 2 min on a standard desktop computer. In conclusion, our newly developed automatic approach can extract coronary arteries in CCTA images with excellent performances in extraction ability and accuracy

    Neointimal characteristics comparison between biodegradable-polymer and durable-polymer drug-eluting stents: 3-month follow-up optical coherence tomography light property analysis from the RESTORE registry

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    We aimed to quantitatively assess a possible difference of the neointimal quality between biodegradable polymer- (BP-) and durable polymer drug-eluting stents (DP-DESs). We conducted a single-center all-comer prospective cohort study: the RESTORE registry (UMIN000033009). All patients who received successful OCT examination at planned 3-month follow-up after DES implantation were analyzed. Study population was divided into 2 groups, BP-DES versus DP-DES groups. We evaluated standard OCT variables, coverage percent, and the quantitative light property values including light intensity, attenuation, and backscatter. We performed OCT analyses of 121 lesions in 98 patients (BP-DES 55 lesions in 51 patients vs. DP-DES 66 lesions in DP-DES 53 patients). Lesion and procedural characteristics were overall well-balanced between both groups. At 3-month follow-up, neointimal thickness (BP-DES 49.3 [38.2, 57.7] µm versus DP-DES 54.7 [45.1, 70.7] µm, p = 0.059) and coverage percent (BP-DES 94.5 [89.8, 97.0]% vs. DP-DES 95.8 [91.1, 98.1]%, p = 0.083) did not significantly differ. Light intensity of superficial neointima in the BP-DES was lower than that in the DP-DES, whereas that of deep neointima did not differ between both groups